Become a Docent
The docent program at Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park is the responsibility of the California State Park system and is managed by the Department. The docent program at Allensworth is supervised by the State Park Interpreter III, based on guidelines established in the Volunteer in Parks Program Manual. Together, docents, park staff, and the Friends of Allensworth Interpretive Association work to ensure a high quality interpretive program at Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park.
What is a Docent
Docents are highly trained volunteers who interpret the cultural, natural and recreational resources of California’s State Parks. One of the most rewarding and challenging aspects of being a docent is the opportunity for ongoing education. As a docent in training, you embark upon a rigorous course of study that begins with establishing a strong foundation of expertise for interpretation.
Docents and park staff are the people with whom visitors are most likely to have contact. Docents, therefore, play a dual role of being educators as well as public relation ambassadors. Docents work year round in our State Parks in a wide variety of capacities. Whether working at sales counters, leading tours, demonstrating living history, or helping with special events, California State Park docents are special, dynamic people whose assistance is invaluable! California State Parks greatly appreciates the generous donation of your time and talent.

Your Docent Program
Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park was established in 1976 to recognize the contributions made by African American pioneers. Originally, the town of Allensworth was founded on August 3, 1908, by Colonel Allen Allensworth. The operations and interpretative programs at Colonel
Allensworth SHP are focused on preserving, protecting, and interpreting the history and achievements of African Americans.
Colonel Allensworth’s influence was most strongly felt between the years 1908 and 1918. Therefore, this is the period of time preservation, reconstruction, restoration, and interpretation efforts are focused.
Why Become a Docent?
The reasons people volunteer vary from person to person, but here are a few you might share:
- To help visitors appreciate the uniqueness of Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park.
- To learn something new.
- To share the positive contribution African Americans made towards the development of California and the United States.
- To indulge in a creative form of physical and mental exercise not found in a gym or health club.
- To learn how to conduct research about specific subject areas.
- To find new insights, relationships, and relevancies.
- To receive a benefit money can’t buy...a sense of well-being from contributing to your community.
- To have an aesthetically pleasing experience.
- To be touched, moved, and inspired.
- To experience provocation as well as instruction.
- To share a fun time with family and friends.

To Register for the next Docent training, contact:
Jerelyn Oliveira
State Park Interpreter I
Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park